Monday, March 3, 2008

Selling Online Course Syllabus

For the past week, I have been working on my Selling Online course syllabus. I have had many revision and have finally settle on the following.

What I would be covering in my course will include only
  • Selling on Auction Style, Forum Based or Personal Website.
  • Tricks on Photography
  • Professional looking yet simple HTML coding tricks
  • Payment methods
  • Logistics and Packing

My course would be a little different from the "Seminar Weekend Workshop" styles. Instead I have opted for a more practical approach. I won't be giving a talk to 20 students in a seminar room. I believe that everyone comes from a different background, with different ideas on selling online. With that many students, I would NOT be able to give the attention required by each. Not to mention, in a class of that size, students would also only listen, and not have much class participation.

My class instead would be small, intended for 4-6 people only. There would be lots of interaction and practical work throughout the workshops. Workshops will be held over 3-4 sessions, where each sessions will end with a given task. Students are required to do market research, marketing planning as well as competitor research as their homework tasks! It will be jam packed with practical things that you would actually use for selling online.

By the time, you have completed your course over the weeks, you would have learnt how to sell online, with real practical task of selling! Each student would have gone through all the steps required to sell. Since it will be held over a few weeks, each student can share any issues they have while trying to sell online.

My classes will not only teach you how to sell online, but guide you through step by step with practical experience, whether it is photographing an item, or web page design. I assure you that, you'll not get the same attention and details in any other classes.

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